Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Singing Hallelujah

Parker has been really trying to immitate words lately. He was sort of a late bloomer when it came to talking. He was more interested in balls. Fittingly, his first word was ball. Later came his first sentence "it's a ball." Here he started saying hallejulah when we were watching a youtube video of american idol.

It's funny how this will probably mean nothing to anyone else, but as his mom I think it is the most adorable thing ever.

Oh, and my little sister was the camera-woman. She needs a little practice.


Kateka said...

"Ha-loo!" I love it. That was so cute. I love how this is a video on youtube, of a video on youtube. Classic.

torri said...

That is SO ADORABLE! I wish Joshua would start singing. :)

Sheralee said...

He is so cute I can't even stand it!! He said that pretty good! He is growing up so much. What a cute little guy!

baxtersrus said...

too cute!

Roberts Family said...

That is super cute!